StarCraft 2 Strategies - [Terran] Bunker Reaper Rush

2010-10-03 958 Visit for the ultimate SC2 guide! Learn Step-by-Step how to execute this strategy! Build Order: (6) Start by mining with 5 of your initial 6 SCV's send the 6th out to build your proxy Barracks near your opponents base (6) @ 150 minerals build your proxy Barracks (6) @ 75 minerals build a Refinery (7) @ 50 minerals build an SCV and have it rallied to your refinery (7) When the refinery is finished building be sure you have 3 SCVs gathering from it (7) @ 25 vespean build a Tech Lab on your Barracks (8) When the Tech Lab is finished building start making your first Reaper, be sure the Barracks is rallied to your opponents base (8) Pull one SCV off of your Refinery and bring it to support your other SCV when building your Bunker in your opponents base - From here decide if you need more Reapers, a Marauder, or a Marine.